赵赫(Dr. Zhao He),男,1993年12月,博士,地球化学,特任教授,地大学者青年拔尖人才,湖北省第九届长江学子
2018.06 成都理工大学地球科学学院地理信息科学专业获学士学位
2023.06 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地球化学专业获博士学位
2021.12-2023.01 英国利兹大学CSC联合培养,师从Simon Poulton 教授;美国亚利桑那州立大学2次短期学习
2023.09 - 现 在,中国地质大学(武汉),海洋学院,特任教授
(2)金属稳定同位素(包括Ca 、Sr、U、Cd等)地球化学;碳、氧、硫、氮等同位素地球化学
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:晚三叠世中诺利晚期火山作用与极端气候环境及生物响应研究,NO. 42477215,2025年-2028年,主持
(2)国家资助博士后研究人员计划 C 档资助:华南地区晚泥盆世弗拉斯期-法门期之交海相碳酸盐岩钙同位素研究及其对生物大绝灭事件的响应,NO. GZC20232474, 2023年-2025年,主持
(3)第75批博士后面上项目:二叠纪-三叠纪之交环境变化与生物大灭绝事件—来自泛大洋和特提斯海相碳酸盐岩碳-钙-锶同位素联合制约,NO. 2024M753028,2024年-2025年,主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金基础中心项目:大陆演化与季风系统演变,NO. 41888101,子课题,2023年-2024年,主持
(5) 湖北省博士后管理协调工作委员会, 湖北省博士后创新人才培养项目A档资助, 2004HBBHCXA084, 晚泥盆世至早三叠世三次生物灭绝事件过程中海洋钙同位素组成特征及对比研究, 2024年-2025年, 主持
(1) 2023至今 担任印度地质协会会刊Journal Geological Society of India副主编(Associate Editor)
(1) He Zhao, Ying Cui*, Lei Zhang, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Thomas J. Algeo, Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu, Jun Sun, 2024. Calcium isotope evidence of increased carbonate saturation state during the Frasnian–Famennian boundary event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 642,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118876.T1 (IF=5.78)NI 指数
(2) He Zhao, Jun Shen*, Thomas J. Algeo, Grzegorz Racki, Jiubin Chen, Cheng Huang, Junjun Song, Wenkun Qie, Yiming Gong, 2022. Mercury isotope evidence for regional volcanism during the Frasnian-Famennian transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 581, 117412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117412. T1 (IF=5.78)NI 指数
(3) He Zhao, Stephen E. Grasby, Xiangdong Wang, Lei Zhang, Yongsheng Liu, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Zhaochu Hu*, Yuangeng Huang, 2022. Mercury enrichments during the Carnian Pluvial Event (Late Triassic) in South China. Geology Society of America Bulletin, 34, 2709–2720. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36205.1. T1 (IF=5.41)
(4) He Zhao; Simon W. Poulton; Xiangdong Wang*; Jun Sun; Yuangeng Huang; Fang Hao ; Cadmium isotope constraints on primary productivity and environmental perturbations across the Late Ordovician mass extinction, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2025, 9(1)T1 (IF=5.41)
(5) He Zhao, Tais W. Dahl, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Thomas J. Algeo, Lei Zhang, Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu*, Zihao Hu. 2020.Anomalous marine calcium cycle linked to carbonate factory change after the Smithian Thermal Maximum (Early Triassic). Earth-Science Reviews, 211, 103418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev. 2020.103418. T1 (IF=12.03)
(6) He Zhao, Zhengyi Lyu, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Thomas J. Algeo, Michael J. Orchard, Yongsheng Liu, Zhaochu Hu*, Lei Zhang, Xiumei Zhang, 2021. Integrated biochemostratigraphy of the Permian–Triassic boundary beds in a shallow carbonate platform setting (Yangou, South China). Global and Planetary Change, 206, 103583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103583. T2 (IF=4.95)
(7) He Zhao, Thomas J. Algeo, Yongsheng Liu, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Lei Zhang, Zhaochu Hu*, Ziheng Li., 2020. Lower Triassic carbonate δ238U record demonstrates expanded oceanic anoxia during Smithian Thermal Maximum and improved ventilation during Smithian-Spathian boundary cooling event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 539, 109393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109393. T2 (IF=3.56)
(8) Zhengyi Lyu , Martyn L. Golding , He Zhao*, Huazhou Yao, Xiangdong Wang, Lei Zhang ,Yangui Li , Chen Han, 2024. Upper Triassic (middle Norian) conodont biostratigraphy succession from Qamdo, eastern Tibet. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111915. T2 (IF=3.56)
(9) Yangui Li, He Zhao*, William J. Foster , Yue Yu f , Lida Xing , Qiang Ye , Chuanshang Wang , Huazhou Yao*. First discovery of dinosaur tracks from the Lower Cretaceous Duoni Formation in eastern Tibet, China, Cretaceous Research 166 (2025) 106009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2024.106009. T2
授权国家发明专利 3项
(1) 赵赫; 余嘉昕; 陈力飞; 何焘; 潘勇; 胡兆初 ; 一种提升ICP-MS仪器灵敏度的加热冷凝装置, 2021-11-02, 中国, CN202011351563.7 (专利)
(2) 赵赫; 余嘉昕; 陈力飞; 何焘; 潘勇; 胡兆初 ; 一种检测痕量稀土元素的方法, 2022-02-01, 中国, CN202011346582.0 (专利)
(3) 赵赫; 杨文武; 张文; 罗涛; 胡兆初; 潘勇 ; 一种应用于LA-ICP-MS分析的目标靶的制作方法, 2022- 05-31, 中国, CN202110138104.9 (专利)
(1) 共同申请并主持分会会议:
2020年 Goldschmidt Conference, 2020-06-20, 共同主持分会场:Global Cycles across time - linking the earth, ocean and atmosphere—14j: New Developments in Deep-Time Paleoceanography: Geochemical Proxies, Cyclostratigraphy & Data Analysis(Thomas Algeo, He Zhao, Mingsong Li, Feng Cheng, Benjamin Gill, Jeremy Owens, Patrick Rafter, Kathleen Johnson)
(2) 参加国际会议及学术交流:
(1) 2024年He Zhao ; Calcium cycle perturbations during the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction event, The 2nd Youth Innovation Forum on Digital Earth, 中国香港, 2024.12-4-7 (Oral presentation)
(2) 2024年 Goldschmidt August, 18-23, 2024, Chicago USA, Calcium-cycle perturbations during the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction event, 8.23 (Oral presentation)
(3) 2023年 Habitable Earth - Geoscience for Sustainability, September , 20-23,2023, Qingdao,
China, Mercury evidence for volcanism driving the Carnian Pluvial Episode, 9.22 (Oralpresentation)
(4) 2022年 Goldschmidt Conference, 2022-07-15, Honolulu, USA. (Oral presentation)
(5) 2022年 Geological society of London Meeting, 2022-03-17, London, UK. (Oral presentation)
(6) 2020年 Goldschmidt Conference, 2020-06-20, Online. (Oral presentation)
(7) 2019年 Goldschmidt Conference, 2019-08-20, Barcelona, Spain.(Post)
(8) 2018年 IGCP630 Meeting, 2018-12-11, Wuhan, China. (Oral presentation)
(9) 2018年 GSA Annual Meeting, 2018-11-04, Indianapolis, USA (Oral presentation)
(10) 2018年 Goldschmidt Conference,2018-08-16, Boston, USA (Oral presentation)
(1) 2023年 第九届湖北省“长江学子”
(2) 2023年 校青年五四奖章获得者;校优秀研究生标兵
(3) 2022年 博士研究生国家奖学金
(4) 2021年 高山优秀博士研究生奖学金
(5) 2021年 校级优秀共产党员
(6) 2020年 校优秀博士生论文创新基金资助
(7) 2019年 校级优秀学生干部
(9) 2018年 院研究生会副主席