☆ 教育经历
Ø 2007年—2011年,西安建筑科技大学华清学院,给水排水工程专业,工学学士
Ø 2011年—2014年,西安建筑科技大学,市政工程专业,工学硕士
Ø 2014年—2018年,北京师范大学,环境科学专业,工学博士,导师:蔡宴朋教授
Ø 2018年—2020年,清华大学环境学院水质与水生态研究中心,博士后/助理研究员,合作导师:中国工程院院士曲久辉
Ø 2023年—2024年,Óbuda University (匈牙利),信息科学约翰·冯·诺依曼学院(NIK),国家留学基金委(CSC)国家公派访问学者
☆ 研究领域(主要研究兴趣)
☆ 科研项目
Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 环渤海大湾区近岸食物网同质化驱动机制及失稳风险评估(42277470)(2023-2026年,在研,主持)
Ø 自然资源部渤海生态预警与保护修复重点实验室开放基金: 基于eDNA的渤海湾近海生态网络稳定性演化动态(2022106)(2022-2024年,在研,主持)
Ø 武汉市知识创新专项“曙光计划”项目: 基于eDNA的城市水生态网络失稳风险评估与修复(2022020801020210)(2022-2024年,在研,主持)
Ø 国家自然科学基金青年基金: 基于网络拓扑与稳定性分析的自适应水生态系统设计与风险修复 (41907403)(2020-2021年,结题,主持)
Ø 中国博士后科学基金面上项目: 基于生态系统的河口围填海工程生境扰动模拟与优化管理(2019M650695)(2019-2020年,结题,主持)
Ø 国家重点研发计划项目:渤海湾环境承载力评估及污染物减排技术研究(2019YFC1407805),以骨干人员参与
Ø 国家基础研究发展计划重大项目“973”计划:围填海对湿地水生态过程的影响机理和模拟(2013CB430402),以骨干人员参与
Ø 长江大保护项目:长江重点江段特征污染物识别及其生态风险,以骨干人员参与
Ø 云南省高原湖泊生态环境规划项目:云南省程海湖水环境综合治理与保护总体规划,以骨干人员参与
Ø 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目:流域水环境、水生态与综合管理,参与
Ø 国家重点研发计划课题:梯级水电开发流域生态系统格局变化及生态修复(2016YFC0502209),参与
Ø 北京市自然科学基金: 基于环境DNA的水生态系统生物多样性与功能稳定维持机制研究——以京津冀地区为例(5204034),参与
Ø 长江大保护项目:长江流域磷污染源防控技术筛选与技术应用,参与
Ø 中国工程院咨询项目:提升长江大保护实施效率和综合治理体系的战略研究,参与
Ø 中国工程院咨询项目:支撑京津冀协同发展的区域生态环境保护总体对策,参与
Ø 三峡集团长江流域子项目:长江流域典型城市保护修复科技支撑体系及典型范例研究,参与
Ø 宁夏固原海绵城市建设项目:生态及环境效应对海绵城市建设响应及提升策略,参与
☆ 代表性学术成果
Ø Xu, Y*, Jordán, F. 2024. Network-based food availability affects the keystoneness of predators and functional diversity of the marine food web. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 747: 1-18.
Ø Xu, Y*, Jordán, F, Zhou, ML, Huo, XM, Cai, YP, S. Aziz. UR, Jun, S. 2024. Global Variability of Degree Distribution in Marine Food Webs. Diversity and Distributions, e13927.
Ø Xu, Y*, Huo, XM, Chen, XY, Wang, ZY, Zhou, ML, Zhu, J, Yan, R, Cai, YP. 2024. Comparing the performance variability of different eDNA primers in ffsh monitoring. Watershed Ecology and the Environment, 6: 165-175.
Ø Xu, Y*, Zhou, ML. 2024. Network-perspective marine ecosystem conservation and management, from concepts to applications. HydroResearch, 7, 191-200.
Ø Xu, Y*, Huang, F, Zhou, ML, Gu, R, Zhu, J, Rong, QQ, Cai, YP. 2023. Recognizing topological attributes and spatiotemporal patterns in spotted seals (Phoca largha) trophic networks based on eDNA metabarcoding. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1305763.
Ø Xu, Y*, Huo, XM, Jordan, F, Zhou, ML, Cai, YP, Sun, J. 2023. Identifying marine food web homogenization patterns. Frontiers in Marine Science. 1245513.
Ø Xu, Y*, Huo, XM, He, S, Huang, F, Cai, YP, Peng, JF. 2023. Ecological network-based food web dynamic model provides an aquatic population restoration strategy. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110735.
Ø Huo, XM, Xu, Y*, Huang, F, He, S, Cai, YP, Xiao, LJ. 2023. Watershed land-use heterogeneity affecting spatial patterns of fish community structure in Han River basin, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 423, 138884.
Ø Yu SL, Ren Z, Yang YL, Zhang C, Ma K, Xie YL, Cui BS*, Xu Y*. 2023. Spatial heterogeneity in summer phytoplankton communities shaped by anthropogenic and natural effects in typical coastal bay-river systems in South China. Ecological Indicators. 154, 110602.
Ø Gu Rui, Xu Y*, Li ZG, Sun J*, et al. 2022. PSR-FCCLP model based total maximum allocated loads optimization of TN and TP in Bohai Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 185: 114249.
Ø Xu Y, He S, Sun J, et al. 2022. Mobile generalist species dominate the food web succession in a closed ecological system, Chenghai Lake, China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 36: e02122.
Ø Xu Y, Cai YP, Sun T, Sun J, et al. 2021. Ecological preservation based multi-objective optimization of coastal seawall engineering structures. Journal of Cleaner Production 296(1–3):126515.
Ø Xu Y, Peng JF, Qu JH, et al. 2020. Survey-based approach to establish macrobenthic biological network in lakes. Resources Conservation & Recycling. 162, 105061.
Ø Cai YP, Xu Y*, Sun T, Yang ZF, et al. 2020. Mechanism of species dynamics and interactions under impacts of artificial barriers in coastal areas. Ocean & Coastal Management. 190, 105166.
Ø Xu Y, Peng JF, Qu JH, et al. 2019. Assessing food web health with network topology and stability analysis in aquatic ecosystem. Ecological Indicators. 109, 105820.
Ø Xu Y, Peng JF, et al. 2019. Spatial distribution of flow currents and habitats in artificial buffer zones for ecosystem-based coastal engineering. Global Ecology and Conservation. 20, e00764.
Ø Xu Y, Cai YP, Sun T, Yang ZF. 2018. Coupled hydrodynamic and ecological simulation for prognosticating land reclamation impacts in river estuaries. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 202, 290-301.
Ø Xu Y, Cai YP, Sun T, Yin X, Tan Q. 2017. An indicator to quantify the effects of hydrodynamic disturbances caused by coastal reclamation on aquatic organisms. Ecological Indicators. 93, 152-163.
Ø Xu Y, Cai YP, Sun T, Yin X, Tan Q. 2017. Development of an integrated indicator system to assess the impacts of coastal reclamation engineering on the Yellow River estuary of China. Marine Pollution Bulletin.119(2), 50-59.
Ø Xu Y, Cai YP, Sun T, Tan Q. 2017. A multi-scale integrated modeling framework to measure comprehensive impact of coastal reclamation activities in Yellow River estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 122(1-2), 27.
Ø Cao XF, Xu XY, Bian R, Wang YJ, Yu HW, Xu Y, et al. 2020. Sedimentary ancient DNA metabarcoding delineates the contrastingly temporal change of lake cyanobacterial communities. Water Research. 116077.
Ø Yu HW, Peng JF, Cao XF, Xu Y, et al. 2020. Effects of microplastics and glyphosate on growth rate, morphological plasticity, photosynthesis, and oxidative stress in the aquatic species Salvinia cucullate. Environmental Pollution 279(15), 116900.
Ø Wang YJ, Peng JF, Cao XF, Xu Y, et al. 2019. Isotopic and chemical evidence for nitrate sources and transformation processes in a plateau lake basin in Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment. 711, 134856.
☆ 主讲/参与课程
Ø 《海洋数据处理与分析》(本科生)
Ø 《海洋生态学》(本科生)
Ø 《海洋生态环境前沿》(研究生)
Ø 《海洋与气候》(研究生)
☆ 获奖情况
Ø 2022年,武汉市知识创新专项“曙光计划”
Ø 2021年,湖北省博士后创新研究岗位资助计划
Ø 2021年,中国地质大学(武汉)“青年优秀人才”
☆ 学术及社会兼职
Ø 2022年,担任英文期刊《HydroResearch》及《Watershed Ecology and the Environment》青年编委
Ø 2024年,IBS国际生物地理学学会会员
Ø 2021年,中国生态学学会会员
Ø 2019年,ISEM 国际生态模型学会会员
Ø 公众号“海洋与淡水生态圈”创始人
☆ 联系方式