

浏览: 编辑: 来源: 时间:2016年08月25日 11:58

王家生(Dr. Jiasheng Wang),男,博士,教授,博导,19639月出生









★ 国家自然科学基金面上项目“海洋沉积物SMTZ带中黄铁矿的莓球粒径增大现象对海水氧化还原沉积环境研究指示意义”(42276068,2023.01-2026.12年,55万,负责人)

★ 国家自然科学基金面上项目“孟加拉湾大陆边缘沉积物中自生黄铁矿及其古环境指示意义”(41772091,2018.01-2021.12年,80万,负责人)

★ 国家重点研发项目“海洋储碳机制及区域碳氮硫循环耦合对全球变化的响应”(2016YFA0601100)下属的子课题“沉积物-海水界面碳氮硫耦合过程中自生矿物记录及对全球变化的响应”(2016.07-2021.06年,83.33万,子课题负责人)

★ 中国地质大学(武汉)地学长江计划核心项目“罗迪尼亚和潘吉亚大陆聚散转折背景下环境演变及生物协同演化”(CUGCJ1710)(2017-2020年,200万。骨干成员)

★ 国家自然科学基金面上项目“海洋天然气水合物成藏海区沉积物中自生矿物对古硫酸盐-甲烷转换带的指示”(41472085,2015.01-2018.12年,110万,负责人)

★ 国家自然科学基金面上项目“宜昌新元古代冰后期甲烷冷泉事件的地质记录及其华南区域对比”(41172102,2012.01-2015.12,88万,负责人)

★ 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)《若干重大地质环境突变的地球生物学过程》课题五的专题“新元古代极端地质环境的地球生物学过程”(2011CB808805,2010.08- 2015.07,75万,子课题负责人)

★ 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)“南海天然气水合物富集规律与开采基础研究”课题六的专题“南海北部渗漏型天然气水合物的沉积物自生矿物地球化学异常特征”(2009CB21950605,2009.01-2013.7,22万,子课题负责人)

★ 国家自然科学基金面上“海洋天然气水合物地质系统的沉积物粒度制约、自生矿物和有孔虫响应(40772073,2008.01-2010.12,44万,负责人)。

★ 国家自然科学基金面上“古海洋天然气水合物背景下沉积物识别”(40472063)(2005.01-2007.12,35万,负责人)。

★ 国家自然科学基金(小额)“古海洋天然气水合物伴生的沉积物识别”(40272052)(2003.01-2003.12,9万,负责人)。

★ 广州海洋地质调查局南海天然气水合物成矿理论及分布预测研究的外协专题“天然气水合物成矿区沉积物自生矿物特征研究”(GZH2011003-05-06-03,2011.07-2018.12,179万,负责人)

★ 青岛海洋地质调查局天然气水合物成藏机理研究的外协专题“天然气水合物成藏过程研究”(GZH201100306-WX02,2012.05-2016.04,84万,负责人)

★ 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所外协项目“西南印度洋合同区热液碳酸盐矿物同位素特征的调查研究”( 2016.10-2018.12,15万,负责人)

★ 中石化海相油气勘探前瞻性项目“海相优质烃源岩形成的地球生物学过程”(G0800-06-ZS-319)专题研究“极端环境条件下的地球微生物过程与烃源岩的形成”(2007.1-2011.12,40万,专题负责人)。

★ 中国地质调查局青岛海洋地质研究所委托项目“仿深海高压低温地质条件天然气水合物成矿成藏数值模拟技术调研”(2003.01-2003.06,10万,负责人)。



Can Chen, Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Jian-Ming Zhu, Simon W. Poulton, Zhou Wang, Cong Cheng, Qiang Song. Application of pyrite trace-metal and S and Ni isotope signatures to distinguish sulfate-versus iron-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. Chemical Geology, 2024, June 6, 122211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2024. 122211

Can Chen, Jiasheng Wang*, Xiaohong Chen, Thomas J. Algeo, Zhou Wang, Wenwu Yang, Qiang Song. Productivity and redox influences on the late Ordovician Katian Extinction and early Silurina recovery. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2024, March 30, 112176. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112176

Can Chen, Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Jian-Ming Zhu, Zhou Wang, Xiaochen Ma, Yue Cen. Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane inferred from trace-element chemistry and nickel isotopes of pyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2023, GCA 13011, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2023.04.002

Yue Cen, Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Zhou Wang, Xiaochen Ma, Can Chen. Methane release effects on foraminiferal tests in northern South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 1166305. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1166305.

Xiaochen Ma, Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Zhou Wang, Yue Cen, Can Chen, Dahe Chen, Junchen Lu, Yuzhou Yang. U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Datangpo Formation, South China: Implications for Sturtian deglaciation age and Nanhua stratal provenance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2023, 617, 111494. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111494.

Xiaochen Ma,Jiasheng Wang*, Zhou Wang, Thomas J. Algeo, Can Chen, Yue Cen, Qing-Zhu Yin, Chang Huang, Liyuan Xu, Chao Huang, Dahe Chen. Geochronological constraints on Cryogenian ice ages: Zircon U–Pb ages from a shelf section in South China. Global and Planetary Change, 2023, 222, 104071. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104071

Yue Cen,Jiasheng Wang*, Xuan Ding, Dorrik Stow, Zhou Wang, Can Cen, Xiaochen Ma. Tracing the Methane Events by Stable Carbon Isotopes of Benthic Foraminifera at Glacial Periods in the Andaman Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 2022, 33(6): 1571-1582. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-022-1750-x

Yongbo Peng, Huiming Bao, Ganqing Jiang, Peter Crockford, Dong Feng, Shuhai Xiao, Alan Jay Kaufman,Jiasheng Wang. A transient peak in marine sulfate after the 635-Ma snowball Earth. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022, 119(19): 1-7.https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2117341119.

Biao Chang, Junhua Huang, Thomas J. Algeo, Richard D. Pancost, Xiaoqiao Wan, Yunsong Xue, Jianzhong Jia, Zhou Wang, Jun Hu,Jiasheng Wang, Sheng Wang, Jiaqi Wu, Shucheng Xie. Episoic massive release of methane during the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse. GSA Bulletin, 2022, 14 March.https://doi.org/10.1130/B36169.1

Jiarui Liu, Andre Pellerin,Jiasheng Wang*, David Rickard, Gilad Antler, Jie Zhao, Zhou Wang, Bo Barker Jorgensen, Shuhei Ono. Multiple sulfur isotopes discriminate organoclastic and methane-based sulfate reduction by sub-seafloor pyrite formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2022, 316: 309-330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2021.09.026

Jie Zhao,Jiasheng Wang*, Stephen C. Phillips, Jinqiang Liang, Pibo Su, Qi Lin, Can Chen, Jiarui Liu. Non-evaporitic gypsum formed in marine sediments due to sulfate-methane transition zone fluctuations and mass transport deposits in the northern South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 2021, 233:103988, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2021.103988

Can Chen,Jiasheng Wang*, Zhou Wang, Yongbo Peng, Xiaohong Chen, Xiaochen Ma, Yue Cen, Jie Zhao, Peng Zhou. Variation of Chemical index of alteration (CIA) in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and its environmental implications. Precambrian Research, 2020, 105829, on line, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105829

Can Chen,Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Xiaohong Chen, Zhou Wang, Xiaochen Ma, Yue Cen, Jie Zhao. New evidence for compaction-driven vertical fluid migration into the Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) Guanyingqiao bed of South China. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 2020, 550, 109746. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j. palaeo.2020.109746

Jiarui Liu, André Pellerin, Gareth Izon,Jiasheng Wang*, Gilad Antler, Jinqiang Liang, Pibo Su, Bo Barker Jørgensen, Shuhei Ono. The multiple sulphur isotope fingerprint of a sub-seafloor oxidative sulphur cycle driven by iron. Earth and Planetary Science Letter, 2020, 536, 116165, doi: https//doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.202.116165

Zhou Wang, Can Chen,Jiasheng Wang*, Erwin Suess, Xiaohong Chen, Xiaochen Ma, Guangzhe Wang, Shuhai Xiao*. Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications for Ediacaran climate. Precambrian Research, 2020, 105586, doi:http://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105586.

Jiarui Liu, Gareth Izon,Jiasheng Wang*, Gilad Antler, Zhou Wang, Jie Zhao, and Matthias Egger. Vivanite formation in methane-rich deep-sea sediments from the South China Sea. Biogeoscience, 2018, 15, 6329-6348

Lilei Chen, Jian Liu*,Jiasheng Wang, Gang Xu, Feng Li, Xingliang He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Li Li. Sources and distribution of tetraether lipids in sediments from the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal mud area, China over the past 160 years: Implications for paleoclimate change. Organic Geochemistry, 2018, 121: 114-125.

Zhou Wang,Jiasheng Wang*, Erwin Suess, Guangzhe Wang, Can Chen, Shuhai Xiao*. Silicified glendonites in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and their potential paleoclimatic implications. Geology, 2017, 45(2): 115-118.

Yuangao Qu*,Jiasheng Wang, Shuhai Xiao, Martin Whitehouse, Anders Engdahl, Guangzhe Wang, Nicola McLoughlin. Carbonaceous biosignatures of diverse chemotrophic microbial communities within chert nodules of the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation. Precambrian Research, 2017, 290, 184-196.

Zhou Wang,Jiasheng Wang*, Yui Kouketsu, Robert J. Bodnar, Benjamin C. Gill, Shuhai Xiao*. Raman geothermometry of carbonaceous material in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone: the thermal history of extremely negative δ13C signatures in the aftermath of the terminal Cryogenian snowball Earth glaciation. Precambrian Research, 2017, 298:174-186.

Q T Bu, G W Hu*, Y G Ye, C L Liu, C F Li, A I Best andJ S Wang*. The elastic wave velocity response of methane gas hydrate formation in vertical gas migration systems. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14: 555-569.

Guangzhe Wang,Jiasheng Wang*, Zhou Wang, Can Chen, Junxia Yang. Carbon isotope gradient of the Ediacaran cap carbonate in the Shennongjia area and its implications for ocean stratification and palaeogeography. Journal of Earth Science, 2017, 28(2): 187-195.

Qingtao Bu, Gaowei Hu*, Yuguang Ye, Changling Liu, Chengfeng Li,Jiasheng Wang*. Experimental Study on 2-D Acoustic Characteristics and Hydrate Distribution of the Host Sediments. Geophysical Journal International. 2017, 211, 1012-1026.

Can Chen,Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Zhou Wang, Shen Tu, Guangzhe Wang, Junxia Yang. Negative delt 13 C shifts in Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) Guanyingqiao Bed of South China linked to diagenetic carbon fluxes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017, 487: 430-446.

Lilei Chen, Jian Liu*, Lei Xing, Ken W. Krauss,Jiasheng Wang, Gang Xu, Li Li. Historical changes in organic matter input to the muddy sediments along the Zhejiang-Fujian Coast, China over the past 160 years. Organic Geochemistry, 2017, 111: 13-25

Qi Lin,Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Pibo Su, Gaowei Hu. Formation mechanism of authigenic gypsum in marine methane hydrate settings_ Evidence from the northern South China Sea. Deep-sea Research I, 2016, 115, 210-220.

Qi Lin,Jiasheng Wang*, Thomas J. Algeo, Fei Sun, Rongxiao Lin. Enhanced framboidal pyrite formation related to anaerobic oxidation of methane in the sulfate-methane transition zone of the northern South China Sea. Marine Geology, 2016, 379: 100-108.

Qi Lin,Jiasheng Wang*, Katie Taladay, Hongfeng Lu, Gaowei Hu, Fei Sun, Rongxiao Lin. Coupled pyrite concentration and sulfur isotopic insight into the paleo sulfate methane transition zone (SMTZ) in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2016, 115(1):547-556.

LIN Qi,WANG JiaSheng*, FU ShaoYing, LU HongFeng, BU QingTao, LIN RongXiao & SUN Fei. Elemental sulfur in northern South China Sea sediments and its significance. SCIENCE CHINA: Earth Sciences, 2015,58(12): 2271-2278.

Feifei Wang, Changling Liu, Wanjun Lu*,Jiasheng Wangand Yuguang Ye. In situ Raman spectroscopic observation of the temperature-dependent partition of CH4and CO2during the growth of double hydrate from aqueous solution. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue canadienne de, 2015, 93: 970-975.

XIE Lei,WANG JiaSheng*, WU NengYou, et al.. Characteristics of authegenic pyrites in shallow core sediments in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea: Implications for a possible mud volcano environment. Science China, Earth Sciences, 2013, 56(4): 541-548.

Jun HU,Jiasheng WANG*, Hongren CHEN, Zhou WANG, Lei XIE, Qi LIN. Multiple cycles of glacier advance and retreat during the Nantuo (Marinoan) glacial termination in the Three Gorges area. Front. Earth Sci, China, 2012, 6(1): 101-108.

Qing Li,Jiasheng Wang*, Jianwen Chen, Qing Wei. Stable carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifers from IODP Expedition 311 as possible indicators of episodic methane seep events in a gas hydrate geosystem. PALAIOS, 2010, 25: 671-681.

Gao W. Hu, Yu G. Ye, Jian Zhang, Chang L. Liu, Shao B. Diao andJia S. Wang. Acoustic properties of gas hydrate-bearing consolidated sediments and experimental testing of elastic velocity models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010, 115, B02102, 1-11.

Jiasheng Wang*, Ganqing Jiang, Shuhai Xiao, Qing Li, Qing Wei. Carbon isotope evidence for widespread methane seeps in the ca. 635 Ma Doushantuo cap carbonate in southChina. Geology, 2008, 36 (5): 347-350.

WANG Jiasheng*, WANG Yongbiao, LI Qing. Potential contributions of extremophiles to hydrocarbon resources in marine extreme environments: A review. Front. Earth Sci. China, 2007, 1(4): 444-451.

WANG Yongbiao, TONG Jinnan,WANG Jiasheng& ZHOU Xiugao.Calcimicrobialite after end-Permian mass extinction in South China and its palaeoenvironmental significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50(7): 665-671.

WANG Jiasheng*, Erwin Suess and Dirk Rickert. Authigenic gypsum found in gas hydrate-associated sediments from Hydrate Ridge, the eastern North Pacific. Science inChina, Ser. D Earth Sciences, 2004, 47(3): 280-288.

DU Yuansheng,WANG Jiasheng, Han Xin et al. From flysch to molasses sedimentary and tectonic evolution of late Caledonian-Early Hercynian foreland basin in North Qilian Mountains. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2003, 14 (1): 1-7.

WANG Jiasheng*, Erwin Suess. Indicators ofd13C andd18O of gas hydrate-associated sediments. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2002, 47(19): 1659-1663.

DU Yuansheng, GONG Suyun, HAN Xin,WANG Jiashenget al. Silurian seismites in Hanxia, Yumen city, north Qilian Mountains, and its tectonic significance. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2001, 75(4): 385-390.








卜庆涛,胡高伟*,业渝光,刘昌岭,李承峰,王家生,天然气水合物成藏体系研究进展,新能源进展,2015, 3(6): 435-443.










李清,王家生*,王晓芹,陈祈,陈洪仁。2008。IODP 311航次底栖有孔虫碳稳定同位素对天然气水合物地质系统的指示。地球科学进展,23(11):1161-1166















葛 倩、王家生*、向 华、甘华阳、胡高伟。2004。海底天然气水合物资源量计算及环境效应评估。海洋地质与第四纪地质,24(4):127-133






王家生*、Erwin Suess、Dirk Rickert。2003。东北太平洋天然气水合物伴生沉积物中自生石膏矿物。中国科学(D),33(5):433-441

王家生*、Erwin Suess。2002。天然气水合物伴生的沉积物碳、氧稳定同位素示踪。科学通报,47(15):1171-1176




樊光明、王家生、薛重生等。1999。对江西广丰地区翁家岭组层位的新认识,地层学杂志,23 (1):64-70





王家生*、颜慰宣、魏 清。鄂西云盖寺地区固态流变构造群落及其对绿松石矿的控制作用。湖北地质,1996,10(2):62-70



Jiasheng Wang*, Qi Lin, Fei Sun and Qing Wei. Extremely negative carbon isotopes of authigenic carbonates and implication for gas hydrate, northern South China Sea (abstract). Goldschmidt2015, Prague, Czech.

Jiasheng Wang*, Qi Lin, Qing Wei, Junxia Yang and Rongxiao Lin. Solid elemental sulphur in marine sediments and implication for SMTZ fluctuation (abstract). ICAMG-08, 2015, Jeju, Korea.

Jiasheng Wang*, et al., Sulfate-dreiven anaerobic oxidation of methane as the origin of extremely 13C-depleted calcite in the Doushantuo cap carbonates in South China (abstract). AUG, 2015, San Francisco, USA

Jiasheng Wang*, Qi Lin, Qing Wei. Authigenic pyrites and implication for AOM in early diagenesis of sediments, northern South China Sea (abstract). Goldschmidt2014, Sacramento, USA.



Jiasheng WANG*, Lei XIE and Qing WEI. 2012. Authigenic pyrites in sediments from northern South China Sea and implication for potential mud volcano. Abstract submitted to the 34th IGS (International Geological Congress), 2012-08, Australia(第34届国际地质大会的会议摘要,小组会议发言)

Lei Xie,Jiasheng Wang*, Zhou Wang et, Jun Hu, Hongren Chen and Qi Lin. Mineralogy and morphology of authigenic pyrite and gypsum from a hydrate-potential geosystem in South China Sea. In abstract of the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH) at Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 17-21 July 2011

Jiasheng Wang*, Zhou Wang, Lei Xie, Jun Hu, Hongren Chen and Qi Lin, Multiple methane seep events and implications for the climate changes in Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonate in South China. In abstract of the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH) at Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 17-21 July 2011







Jiasheng Wang*, Qi Chen, Xiaoqin Wang, Qing Li, Yuya Gao and Qing Wei, 2008. Authigenic pyrites and their stable sulfur isotopes in sediments from IODP 311 on Cascadia margin, northeastern Pacific. In abstracts of 6thInternational conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancover (July 6-10, 2008), poster (on Thursday, July 10, 2008. time 10:15-12:15 and 13:45-15:00 in Session (P-4)

WANG Jiasheng*, XIAO Shuhai, JIANG Ganqing, LI Qing, KAUFMAN Alan J., WEI Qing, CHEN Qi, WANG Xiaoqing. 2007. Carbon Isotope Evidence for methane seeps in the 635 Ma Doushantuo cap carbonate at multiple geographic locations in South China. 2007 GSA annual meeting, Denver (28-31 October 2007), paper No. 183-3

Jiasheng Wang*,Shuhai Xiao and IODP 311 Expedition Scientists. 2007. Grain size constraint on gas hydrate occurrence: Evidence from sediment size during IODP Expedition 311, northern Cascadia margin. In abstracts of IODP Expedition 311-2ndPost Expedition Meeting, Paris (April 23-25, 2007), 80-82

Jiasheng Wang*, Qing Wei, Shuhai Xiao, Qing Li, Qi Chen, Xiaoqin Wang, Yuya Gao and IODP 311 Expedtion scientists. 2007. Preliminary research on authigenic minerals and foraminifera in sediments from IODP Expedition 311, northern Cascadia margin: carbonates, pyrites and foraminiferas in Sites U1327 and U1328. In abstracts of IODP Expedition 311-2ndPost Expedition Meeting, Paris (April 23-25, 2007), 83-84

Wang, J* and IODP Expedition 311 Scientists. 2006. The lithological constraint to gas hydrate formation: Evidence of grain size of sediments from IODP 311 on Cascadia margin. In abstracts of AGU 2006 Fall Meeting, San Francisco (December 11-15, 2006), Ref. 1824, Poster No. OS33B-1708


WANG Jiasheng*. Isotopes of authigenic carbonate and gypsum in gas hydrate-associated sediments. 5th International conference on Asia Marine Geology, 2004, 276

WANG Jiasheng*. 2003. C/O Isotopes and authigenic gypsum in gas hydrate-associated sediments. First international workshop on continental margin tectonics and gas hydrate, 22

WANG Jiasheng*, Erwin Suess. Gas hydrate and the C/O isotopic characters of its associated sediments in Hydrate Ridge, Eastern North Pacific. 2002 international forum on marine science & technology and economic development,section B: symposium on coastal geology and sustainable development, 2002, 46-47








曾佐勋、欧阳建平、杨坤光、陈 飞、王家生、李方林、边秋娟、桑隆康、韩吟文。2004。地质学理科基地双语教学的实践与体会。中国地质教育,2:30-32

颜佳新、王家生。2000。关于地质院校海洋地质学课程内容安排。中国地质教育,3: 27、32









杨 伦、刘少峰、王家生。1998。普通地质学简明教程。武汉:中国地质大学出出版社

















Journal of Asian Earth Sciences客座编辑(2018年)


